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Friday, 21 August 2009

The Magical Place

Deep in the leafy undergrowth of the furthest streches of West London, dwells a creature so illusive, so cunning and so slippery only a chosen few have even glanced it. The thickets of mystery in this black boar jungle hide a wipper stepper.

Many stalk this creeper on a daily basis, enduring buses, brain trains, automobiles, street sharks and roller controllers. Upon a fine summer's eve, after many trials and tribulations, i found myself face to face with the beast. It was late in the summer of 2007. It was early in my clicking career and i'd heard rumours of a vast kingdom that lay buried in the suburban maze. I was met with a barrage of sub bass and low end squeltch as the sound serpant attempted to lay a fake scent. Quickly stalking it to an underground den of cables, drum machines and logic patterns, i caught a glimpse of its true beauty. The Divine Manifestation!

Since that day I have caught soundwaves, digital messages and carbon footprints from the beast. Some travel through Bailey's BBC 1xtra show, others arrive through the hardened casing of Fabio and Grooverider's Radio 1 slot. ATM Magazine recently published a review, heralding the animals P style as revolutionary.

Fair maidens and gentle men, i give you.........

The Squash Monster.

Bang your chests, howl to the skies and let the freaky drum demons inside you get D-D-D-D-DOWN! Wait for the morning after, collect up your scattered molecules, get some brown coffee and remember to elf dance your way home from the jungle..........

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