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Thursday, 13 May 2010

Sam Sure & Giacomo

Last night i went up to Kings X to snapclack my extended family member Sam Sure and his beat wizard Giacomo. The show was great fun, packed with uplifting hits and deep vocals. Sure manages to make you feel like the only person in the room at his live sets, bringing a level of intimacy that many bands cannot.

Having known Sam for a hot minute, and been collecting Giacomo's beats since he did some cuts on Braintax's ' Travel Show Ep', it was really nice to catch a set of their new material.

You can buy 'Welcome to The Canteen' here featuring a couple of old tracks. Also look out the classic 'Fresh Air Ep' and Giacomo's stuff including 12"'s of 'Deceive', 'Sit Back See The World' and the killer Ep's 'Programmed Percussion' and 'Building'.

In the meantime, here's a tune they've released on youtube to honour Amuk, who's currently on lockdown.

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